Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Let's Talk About SEX Baby...

So this is going to get personal but hey it's my blog. I had a textversation with this guy who apparently likes me. It went sort of like this.

He tells me that he hasn't had sex in 4 months, how he desperately wants some and how he can't stop thinking about it. I tell him I can't help him in that department, at least not anytime soon. He goes on to re-assure me that he wasn't trying to hint anything at me. So I go on to tell him that he indeed was because theres really no way a guy would bring that up unless he's trying to tell me something. Anyway, I tell him this little fact about me. It usually takes me some time before I can sleep with someone. (I mean I've had my moments) but USUALLY it does. Now I haven't been sexually active for about 10 months (yeah can you say FRUSTRATED) but it's all my choice, I've had opportunities yet I haven't given in. This situation, although I think is a good thing, can at times be....fucked up. I mean there are days where you're just in the mood but for some reason having sex with someone who isn't a potential boyfriend or who I don't share mutual feelings with always leaves me feeling....dirty and alone. Is this a bad thing? I mean there are some women who really just don't give a fuck. Who have fun do their thing without necessarily feeling bad about it. I don't know to me sex always has to mean something, you should have a "connection with someone"........but really should it always be that way? Is it possible for me to have some good old fashion sex without feeling bad that it was just for fun afterwards? Perhaps I'm being a bit bold for writing something such as this but.............it's what's on my mind.

So what's my problem??
Can't I ever just seperate the emotional from the physical?
After all I'm 24, in no need for something super serious right now, and at times a girl just wants to have fun.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Let Me Try This Your Way

So I'm going to bring myself down a few levels for this splendid occasion.
Believe you me though when I say this will be the first and last time I ever play along with this foolishness...YOUR
S T U P I D I T Y.

If I'm such a hateful bitch. Than keep my motherfucking name out of your mouth. PERIOD.

Seriously I'm not worth that much attention. Really I'm not. I mean if I'm THAT evil.

Over, Out & Never Again.

Love Darleny.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


El es absolutamente..........BELLO.
Just Sayin.

Thursday, April 8, 2010




Monday, April 5, 2010

Randomness Pertaining to This Past Weekend

So... Here it goes,

Now, me up there went from this honey brown headed bombshell (ha, j/k) to that down there....

A very Mocha Brown Beauty (lol there it goes again), now this is a bit of a drastic change but it was d y i n g for something new. I've done the light to dark before but I have to say I am very pleased with my new look

YAY :)

Starbuck's very refreshing Passion Tea Lemonade. Now if your looking for a summer treat with less calories than your very good but fattening caramel macchiato...go for this........I love it ♥
Very Insightful Film about an man with Asperger's Syndrome who falls for his neighbor. I enjoyed it very much and thought that Hugh Dancy's performance was perfect. Check it out, it's a treat ;)

I have to say I am very impressed with this gym. I have a week pass to this gym located in Seacaucus, 485 Meadow Blvd. Equipped with basketball court, sauna, swimming pool, food court, digital locks on the lockers (which I think is cool as hell). Now of course a gym as beautiful as this is a bit expensive....but it's no contract. Kudos for them. If interested check it out. It's a beautiful place to work out in.

Karaoke Nights on Thursday with $1 dollar drafts. I can't complain, had fun, saw some old friends of mine from highschool, very pleasant evening ;) . I wonder though If I ever would get wasted enough to go on and karaoke to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. That would be awesomeeee. (Yes with four e's at the end.)

So this was a different blog entry for me, I had entirely too much fun doing this lol...Hope you enjoyed!! :)

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This is the littleguy that has completely stolen my heart. Andrew...
My little brother.♥

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Courtesy and Consideration Down The Fucking Drain..

So I need to rant....
because at this moment if I don't I'm going to possibly murder somebody.
So having a lil brother in the house is indeed the roller coaster I said it would be.
Though I enjoy having the little monster around and though he's crept into my heart quicker than I thought possible.
It seems I have lost all my privacy.
Now I agreed to share rooms with little dude I mean where else was he going to sleep?? My parents room? HA.
So it's a routine now, I get up, he gets up, I give him his milk, put on his fave cartoon (FUCKING DIEGO) and continue getting ready for work.
Now when I come home I want to watch some TV but I can't because Andrew is watching Diego. So I go and watch it in the living room which of course becomes a problem because God Forbid I fuck up the cushions and shit my mom has perfectly displayed on the couch.

So today, my absolutely amazing father goes to pick up my five year old nephew so that he may join my little brother Andrew and they can destroy what is left of my sanity. Now could my father have asked me if I wanted to spend my weekend picking up not only my little brothers mess but my nephew's at that. Could he have asked me if I mind, that now Andrew will have to sleep with me because both of them don't fit in his tiny bed. So I'm looking forward to a fucking great weekend of headaches, backaches, and all the other aches possible in this fucking universe.

I'm Fucking DONE~!!!!!


It's times like these where I wish my dumbass would have made the right choices in life so I could have been graduated and moved the fuck out.
sooo pissed.