Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I'm turning 25 this saturday & I have no idea where the past 10 years have went. Time passes wayyyyyy too fast. So..just an update on my life. I'm back in school and it feels absolutely amazing. I am so happy that I'm back. Its been about 6 weeks since I have started the nursing program and I am so proud of myself. I have truly dedicated myself to studying and school work....and my job. Though my job has actually taken a back seat to this Nursing thing. I'm working a lot less and studying a lot more. I mean I see the material in my sleep. Working less is not easy... I need MONEY....we all need money but hey I know it will all be worth it in the end when I finally have my diploma and Im working in a hospital. I'm so excited...I KNOW that this is my time. Anyway back to this whole turning 25 thing. Is it me or does celebrating your birthday get overrated as time flies by. It's not that I'm not excited about my birthday, I mean everyone gets excited but Im just not jumping up and down and making plans and inviting the whole world to some big ass club to dance and drink the night away with I usually do. I mean I am having some drinks don't get me wrong but 5 people are probably invited to come with me. I feel the only reason why I'm actually going out is because I haven't really been around anything but nursing students in the past month. I need a night out....but if i wasn't really feeling suffocated by nursing diagnoses...I'd prob just put on some sweats, rent some movies, and have a glass of wine. lol DEPRESSING right??

More than anything though what I want for my birthday big surprise there. lol I want to feel butterflies again dammit. I haven't felt butterflies in such a long time...actually no wait I have.....but I ignored them until they went away lol...I guess I was scared or whatever...but I don't know I've spent 5 birthdays alone since I was 19....alone meaning without a significant other and I'm just tired of being you my love...if you're out there somewhere just find me already....take my breath away with a kiss...