Thursday, January 26, 2012


I gained two pounds -_-.  I really really don't do well with stress. I had two tests today for school and I became so stressed over it I was eating like crazy. I was doing so well too. ugh. Good thing is I'm starting the gym back up tomorrow and I'm hoping that working out relieves some of the stress that I KNOW I'm going to get from school. I am doing it a little different this time, I'm starting off slow. My goal is to start off working out at least three days a week. I find that when I say I'm going to go everyday, I don't.  I end up overwhelming myself, stressing myself out and all goes to shit.

Been getting into cooking lately. I've come to really really like it. I've been experimenting with  some recipes that I got from the food network and and I have to say not only have they come out delish but they've been fun and easy to make. Here are some of the things I made throughout the week.

Ground turkey tacos I was out of whole wheat tortillas & used regular. I actually didn't use a recipe for this. I just seasoned some veggies threw them on the grill and threw them over the ground turkey I made. Topped it off with some shredded lettuce, homemade pico de gallo and vioalaaa. My parents loved this.  

Fajita style grilled chicken and veggies. I love using bright colors in my dishes. I love love love grilled veggies. No recipe here either.

Grilled portabello panini..this sandwhich was soooo good.  I used spinach, basil, sundried tomatoes and gorgonzola cheese. Topped it off with little bit of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The flavors were amazing.

Tuna salad with spinach. I used the spinach leaves as  little wraps. Next time I'll make sure to buy bigger spinach leaves. I used Hellman's lowfat olive oil mayo, tomatoes, salt pepper and a hint of vinegar. Oh and I added little bits of fresh mozzerella was yummmm.

Grilled chicken teriyaki stir fry...I didn't use too much teriyaki sauce, didn't want to turn this into a high calorie, high sodium dish. Pour this over some brown rice and you have a healthy delish dinner.
So Im no expert but I'm definitely having fun with this cooking thing...I'm hoping to get better and better at it. Well thats all for tonight. My weekend actually starts tonight. I have off from work and school tomorrow. So I'm going to take advantage and head to the gym, and relax. Have a nice weekend everyone. :)

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